Strategic Planning
Feedback for 2025-2028 Strategic Plan
The CCC Strategic Planning Process links the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan (pdf) to assessment and budgeting cycles. The process involves information based decision-making between and among all units and levels of college decision-making.
The Strategic Planning Committee at Clinton Community College is charged with overseeing the five-year strategic planning cycle and overseeing the development of the annual college-wide goals and objectives that support the five-year planning cycle. The Committee also reviews the resource-related campus needs that have been identified through annual assessment, prioritizes these needs and presents recommendations for subsequent year resource based decisions to the President's Cabinet.
The Strategic Planning Committee has the following members for 2024 - 2025:
- Carey Goyette, Co-Chair
(Vice President for Academic Affairs) - David Tracy, Co-Chair
(Interim Special Assistant for Enrollment Management) - Eugene Ayotte
(Data Analyst) - Sheri Brienza-Wypyski
(Controller) - Maggie Courson
(Early College Pathways Coordinator/Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Coordinator) - Lindsay Fitzgerald
(Learning Resource Specialist) - Steven Frederick
(Vice President for Institutional Advancement) - Joanna Jackson
(Faculty member: English, History & Political Science, and Humanities Division) - Sarah Jennette
(Systems and Electronics Services Librarian) - Patricia LaDuke
(Interim Dean of Student Affairs) - Chrisa O'Connell
(Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP) Director) - Jessie Pokorny
(Director of IT/Network Administrator) - Lee Ann Thomas
(Faculty member: English, History & Political Science, and Humanities Division)
The Strategic Planning Committee meets monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters and as needed when classes are not in session. The committee is guided by the Strategic Planning Procedure Manual (pdf).