Academic Program Assessment
In 2016, the College approved the transition to a Five Year Cycle for Program Assessment (pdf) from the previous seven year cycle. This assessment process requires full program reviews for all academic programs every five years as described in the Academic Program Review Guide (pdf).
The Academic Program Assessment Cycle schematic depicts this assessment process and its tie into strategic planning and budgeting.
The Faculty Council Assessment Committee, in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, works closely with the reviewing departments to guide the process and provide detailed feedback. The review culminates with a visit by an external team and a report with their recommendations provided to the Vice President. These results are then incorporated into annual department plans and used to guide recommendations toward resource-based decisions at the Strategic Planning Committee and President's Council levels.
Moore Bldg., 2nd Floor
Room 220M
Phone: 518-562-4110
Carey Goyette
V.P. for Academic Affairs