Academic Support Services

Students may find that additional academic support will benefit them in achieving success in college. Receiving help with study skills or tutoring in a specific subject, additional time on tests or other accommodations for students with documented disabilities, or assistance with research and locating resources are some of the supports that CCC offers.

The Academic Support Services Include:

Accommodative Services

The role of this office is to assist all qualified students with disabilities in pursuing their educational goals. The Accommodative Services office attempts to coordinate students' needs with services and resources available within the College system and in the community.

In order to assist the students, the College offers a number of support services, including academic advisement and classroom and testing accommodations.

Students with disabilities are encouraged to identify themselves to the college by providing a copy of their disability documentation to the Learning Resource Specialist, located on the second floor of the Moore Building. Students are required to meet with the Specialist each semester in order to develop a service plan.

The Accommodative Services Office also serves as a National Voter Registration Act registration site.

LeRoy M. Douglas Sr. Library

Douglas Library, provides information services to students, faculty, and staff in support of the college curriculum, and to the local community as a resource for lifelong learning. The mission of the library is to provide the college community access to the information, ideas, services, and environments needed to strengthen teaching and learning. We are centrally-located on the second floor of the George Moore Academic and Administrative Building, overlooking scenic Lake Champlain. The library is named for LeRoy M. Douglas Sr., one of the first chairs of the college's Board of Trustees, who was instrumental in securing Bluff Point as the permanent site for the college.

The library provides a full complement of services and materials. Librarians are available to assist patrons in selecting and locating materials; patrons also have access to online reference services 24/7. Faculty may request course-related instruction sessions through reference services. Students may take advantage of opportunities for both formal and informal instruction in library use through class visits, workshops and individual consultation with librarians. Circulation staff are available to assist patrons with reserve materials and loans, as well as subscriptions to approximately 30 print journals, magazines and newspapers. Specialized collections include the Adirondack collection containing books of local interest, the juvenile collection supporting children's literature courses, and an archives housing historical materials and a special collection related to the college, including the two Hotels Champlain, Bellarmine College, and  Bluff Point. Current online resources include the library catalog and more than 100 individual databases providing access to articles in more than 65,000 full-text magazines, journals, and newspapers, as well as digital books. Access to the campus network and the Internet is available from 32 computer workstations throughout the library; wireless access is also available.

The Productivity Center provides a space for students to use software, access academic resources, and collaboration group work. Sharing the space is the Career Center which provides current resources for resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, and job searching. The library also has a state-of the- art classroom with 20 computers for instructional sessions, in addition to quiet and group study rooms. The library has an extensive collection of education and entertainment DVDs, CDs, and equipment for individual use and classroom instruction. Individual and group viewing.

Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Moore Building and offers:

  • Free tutoring
  • Experienced tutors
  • Flexible walk-in tutoring schedules
  • Computer Lab and study space
  • Tutoring in Writing, Humanities, Social Sciences, Math, Science, Computers, and Study Skills
  • Online tutoring

The Tutoring Center provides tutoring services for all students enrolled at Clinton Community College. The Tutoring Center encourages students to develop academic skills and to gain confidence in an academic environment; it offers individual and group tutoring for Writing, Humanities, Social Sciences, Math, Science, Computers and Study Skills. The Tutoring Center also administers college placement testing in the Tutoring Center computer lab.

All tutors at the Tutoring Center are experienced professionals, and most are Adjunct Instructors. The combination of teaching classes and tutoring gives the tutoring staff a strong understanding of class material and student needs. Tutoring for the majority of general education classes and some specialized classes is provided. The Tutoring Center staff works with students to develop study skills and strategies for academic success.
