Student Appeals Information

A student who has been Academically Dismissed from Clinton Community College and wishes to be reinstated must submit an Academic Appeal (see link below). A student will NOT be able to re-enroll without having their appeal approved.

A student who has lost their Financial Aid and would like it reinstated will need to file a Financial Aid Appeal (see link below) and provide proof of a situation beyond their control. They will need to:

  1. Explain the extraordinary and unusual circumstances that were beyond their control.
  2. Explain how this contributed to their failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  3. Explain the corrective action taken to resolve the circumstances from continuing or happening again.
  4. Provide third party documentation to support their appeal. This can include, but is not limited to: a physician's statement (medical documentation), a letter (on letterhead) from a lawyer, clergy, or education advisor, accident paperwork, proof of death, etc.

Submitting a Financial Aid appeal does not guarantee that it will be approved. AID APPEALS WITHOUT PROOF WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. If the appeal is granted, the student will receive a ONE TIME WAIVER. Only one aid appeal may be granted during a student's academic career. If at any time during the term the student fails to maintain the expectations of the waiver, the waiver is VOIDED.   
