Douglas Library Instructional Services

The staff of Douglas Library provide a range of instructional services with access to the Learning Commons classroom in Room 215M. The room is equipped with 30 computer workstations and a smart lectern.

Course-Related Instruction

Librarians are happy to work with faculty to develop an instructional session for students that is tailored to the objectives of a class assignment. Students learn what resources are available, how to access the digital library, construct searches, evaluate what they find, and cite sources. The presentation is given in the Learning Commons classroom and a tour of the library can also be included. Faculty should plan to remain with their class during the instruction session. To request a course-related instruction session, please fill out the online Course-Related Instruction Request Form at least two weeks in advance to allow time for preparation and scheduling.

Class Visits

Faculty are encouraged to come to the library with their students during class time to work on a course assignment. Please notify the Reference Desk at least twenty-four hours in advance at 562-4241 so we can let you know if a librarian will be available. With advance notice of the assignment, librarians can also put together recommendations for your students.


Tours of the library also include an orientation to library services. To request a tour, please fill out the online Course-Related Instruction Request.

LIB 101: Library Research Skills

This one-credit course is offered in the library's classroom and as a distance learning course. See the College Catalog for a course description or the Master Course Schedule for course offerings.

Information Literacy

According to the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, information literacy is defined as “the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning.”

The following 6 concepts anchor the ACRL framework:

  • Authority is Constructed and Contextual
  • Information Creation as a Process
  • Information has Value
  • Research as Inquiry
  • Scholarship as Conversation
  • Searching as Strategic Exploration

Librarians incorporate these concepts into course-related instruction sessions and LIB 101: Library Research Skills courses. We are happy to collaborate with faculty interested in addressing these concepts in their class assignments.
