Policy on Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected of all Clinton Community College students. It is academically dishonest, for example, to misrepresent another person's work as one's own, to take credit for someone else's work or ideas, to knowingly give or accept help on a test, to obtain advanced information on confidential test materials, or to intentionally harm another student's chances for academic success.

When an instructor believes that a student has failed to maintain academic honesty, the instructor may decide on the penalty he or she believes is warranted. When a student is penalized by receiving a failing grade on a major assignment or for the course, the instructor must notify his or her Division Coordinator and submit evidence that the student has acted dishonestly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The VPAA's Office will send an academic incident form to the student within five working days.

If the student disputes the charge or the penalty, he or she may follow the Academic Grievance Procedure as outlined in the College Catalog and Handbook.

If the student chooses not to appeal, or the appeal is unsuccessful, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will retain a record of the offense. A student who commits a second offense may be dismissed from the college, and an appeal to return will not be permitted for one full calendar year.
