Online Policies at Clinton Community College
Attendance in online classes is defined by federal regulation as active participation in a discussion forum, submission of a written assignment, or a completion of a quiz/test/exam. If a student does not complete at least one of these activities during a week's time, they will be marked absent. Attendance will be kept up-to-date on a weekly basis.
Online Account Security
Clinton ensures the cybersecurity of the Clinton Online platform. Students should never share their login information with anyone and always log out of the site at the end of their online sessions.
Program Integrity Regulations
In compliance with the United States Department of Education's Program Integrity Rule, Clinton Community College is required to provide all prospective and current students with the contact information of the state agency or agencies that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning or correspondence education within that state. Students taking online classes offered by CCC while residing in states other than New York are encouraged to resolve any issues or complaints with the College first by utilizing the academic grievance process here in the Student Handbook prior to filing a complaint with the state agency or agencies. The link below provides a list of contacts from each state in which a student may file a complaint.