Liberal Arts and Special Programs:
- Business Accounting A.A.S.
- Business Administration A.A.S.
- Business Administration A.S.
- Health Services Management A.A.S.
Criminal Justice:
Health Physical Education and Recreation:
Human Services:
Nursing & Allied Health:
Social and Behavioral Sciences:

A.A. & A.S.
As part of the SUNY system Clinton credits easily transfer to many SUNY and private institutions. When you complete an Associate of Art (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree following one of our Advisement Options listed on the Transfer Agreements page, you are prepared to enter the partner institution as a Junior with only two years remaining to complete the bachelor's degree specified.
Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees are considered "career degrees." When you complete an A.A.S. degree you are prepared to step from the classroom immediately into a job in your field. Examples of possible career titles and positions are listed on each A.A.S. degree page.
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Human Services:
Nursing & Allied Health:

Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs can be completed in one year and generally serve as pathways to an Associate Degree in the same career field. For example, a student who is interested in Nursing may begin by enrolling in the Health Studies Certificate Program. Certificate Programs also lead to certification for specialized fields, such as Payroll for those in the accounting field.
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Liberal Arts and Special Programs:
- Applied Psychology (SUNY Canton)
- General Agreement (Excelsior College)
- General Agreement (SUNY Oswego)
- General Agreement (Hartwick College)
- Accounting B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Business Administration B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Economics (B.A. or B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Entrepreneurship (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Finance (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Finance and Management B.B.A. CCC Business Administration A.S. (SUNY Canton)
- Finance and Management B.B.A. CCC Business Administration AAS (SUNY Canton)
- Finance B.B.A. (SUNY Canton)
- Global Supply Chain Management (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Health Care Management (SUNY Canton)
- Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- International Business (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Management (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Management Information Systems (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Marketing (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
Criminal Justice:
- B. Tech - Criminal Investigation (SUNY Canton)
- B. Tech - Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Leadership (SUNY Canton)
- B. Tech Legal Students (SUNY Canton)
- Criminal Investigation B. Tech (SUNY Canton)
- Criminal Justice B.A. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Criminal Justice CV-TEC (CV-TEC)
- Homeland Security B.Tech (SUNY Canton)
- Law Enforcement Leadership B.Tech (SUNY Canton)
- Broadcast Journalism B.S. or B.A. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Journalism Magazine B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Journalism Multimedia B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Journalism Newspaper B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Public Relations (B.A. or B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Technical Writing (CV-TEC)
History, Political Science, Economics and Geography:
- History (B.A or B.S) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- History, Teaching Preparation (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
Health Physical Education and Recreation:
- Individual Studies: Nutrition (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Individual Studies: Health and Fitness Promotion Business Track (SUNY Canton)
- Individual Studies: Health and Fitness Promotion Science Track (SUNY Canton)
- Individual Studies: Sports Management A.A.S. (SUNY Canton)
- Physical Education Teacher Preparation with SUNY Cortland (SUNY Cortland)
- Audio Radio Production B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Communication B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Digital Media Production B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Graphic Design and Communication (CV-TEC)
- Studio Art (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Theatre (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- TV-Video Production (B.A. or B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
Human Services:
- Early Childhood Education (CV-TEC)
- Human Development and Family Relations (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Human Development and Family Relations (B.S.) Adolescence (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Human Development and Family Relations (B.S.) Adult Development and Aging (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Human Development and Family Relations (B.S.) Child Care Management (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Human Services (Cazenovia College )
- Social Work (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Mathematics (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
Nursing & Allied Health:
- Cardiovascular Perfusion (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Health Studies Certificate Program (CV-TEC)
- Medical Biotechnology (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Medical Imaging Sciences (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Nursing (B.S.) (SUNY Delhi)
- Nursing (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Nursing BSN ( Chamberlain College of Nursing)
- Nursing BSN with SUNY Plattsburgh (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Nursing Pathways (RN to BSN) Empire State (Empire State)
- Radiation Therapy Technology (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Respiratory Therapy (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)Science
- Aquatic and Fisheries Science (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Biochemistry (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Biology B.A. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Biology B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Bioprocess Engineering (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Biotechnology (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Chemistry (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Chemistry B.A. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Chemistry B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Conservation Biology (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Construction Management (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Ecology B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation - 1+1 (A.A.S.) (SUNY ESF Wanakena Ranger School )
- Environmental Biology (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Environmental Education and Interpretation (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Environmental Health (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Environmental Resources Engineering (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Environmental Science (B.A.) Environmental Planning and Management (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Environmental Science (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Environmental Science (BA) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Environmental Science (BS) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Environmental Studies (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Forest Ecosystems Science (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Forest Health (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Forest Resource Management (B.S.) SUNY ESF (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Forest Technology - 1+1 (A.A.S.) (SUNY ESF Wanakena Ranger School )
- Forestry/Natural Sciences (B.S. Programs) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Geology (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Geology (B.A.) Earth Science (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Geology (B.A.) Environmental Geology (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Geology (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Land Surveying Technology - 1+1 (A.A.S.) (SUNY ESF Wanakena Ranger School)
- Landscape Architecture (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Medical Technology (B.S.) (SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse)
- Natural Resources Management (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Paper Engineering (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Paper Science (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Sustainable Energy Management (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
- Wildlife Science (B.S.) (SUNY ESF in Syracuse)
Social and Behavioral Sciences:
- Agribusiness Managment, BBA (SUNY Canton)
- Applied Psychology (SUNY Canton)
- Applied Psychology (SUNY Canton)
- Communication Disorders (B.A./B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Psychology B.A. or B.S. (SUNY Plattsburgh)
- Sociology (B.A.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)Technology
- Computer Information Systems (CV-TEC)
- Digital Art and Design/Mechanical Technology (CV-TEC)
- Electrical Design, Installation, & Alternative Energy Program (CV-TEC)
- Electrical Engineering Technology (SUNY Canton)
- Individual Studies: Plattsburgh Aeronautical Institute (CV-TEC)
- Information Technology (SUNY Canton)
- Information Technology (B.S.) (SUNY Plattsburgh)

As part of the SUNY system Clinton credits easily transfer to many SUNY and private institutions. When you complete an Associate of Art (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree following one of our Advisement Options listed below, you are prepared to enter the partner institution as a Junior with only two years remaining to complete the bachelor's degree specified.
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