TEAS Exam Information

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) measures basic essential skills in the academic content area domains of reading, mathematics, science and English and language usage. The test is intended for use primarily with adult nursing program applicant populations. The objectives assessed on TEAS are those which nurse educators deemed most appropriate and relevant to measure entry level academic readiness of nursing program applicants.
Students must meet the minimum requirements and pre-requisites, and submit all required documents by the June 30th deadline. You will be individually notified if you are required to take the exam.  As soon as you receive notification the exam is required, please proceed with the steps below; do not wait for the June 30th deadline to schedule the exam.

The TEAS score will be a portion of enrollment consideration, not the entire determinate for acceptance. Please note class competitiveness will change from year to year as the competitiveness of applicants varies.  

***You will be required to create an account at www.atitesting.com prior to your test date. To create an account follow the steps listed below:
How to Create an Account with ATI
Go to www.atitesting.com
Click on the "Create an Account" link under Username and Password
Fill in all of the blue highlighted information
Make sure to choose the appropriate school as your Institution (Clinton CC NY)
Click on the "Register" tab in the lower right hand corner
Congrats! You have now created an account with ATI
After you have created your account, register for the TEAS exam at CCC.

Proof of Identification is required at the time you take the test. 
Please be sure to bring photo ID with you on the day of the test.
