Nursing Admissions
The Nursing Admissions Committee at Clinton Community College welcomes applications from individuals who meet all academic and health requirements, possess the intellectual, emotional and ethical capabilities to undertake the curriculum, and achieve the competency level required for safe, effective nursing practice.
The admissions process is very competitive due to the high number of applicants. Candidates are urged to review the general college and specific nursing admission requirements, which are cited in the college catalog. Each applicant must successfully complete all pre-requisite courses with a "C" grade or higher, before applying for entry into the nursing program. Students who have attended another nursing school must submit a letter from the prior school concerning their ability to return.
Nursing applications are available and must be submitted by June 30th each year for the class beginning the following fall term.
If you are a current Clinton Community College student, please fill out this form:
Nursing Application for Current Students
We invite you to review the following pages to become familiar with our Nursing program and its requirements:
For more information about the nursing application process or academic program, please contact the Admissions Office via phone at (518) 562-4170 or via email Admissions Office and review the Nursing Applicant Inquiry Flow Chart.
Clinton Community College's nursing program is accredited by New York State Education Department (NYSED).
Moore Bldg., 1st floor
Room 122M
Phone: 518-562-4170
Toll-Free: 800-552-1160
Fax: 518-562-4373
Admissions Email
David Tracy
Dean of Enrollment Management
Devin Brassard
Director of Admissions
Daniel Parker
Admissions Advisor
Stanley Kissel
Student Enrollment Specialist
Hannah Dixon
Financial Aid/Admissions Advisor