Transferring and Applying For Financial Aid

Our School Codes 

FAFSA (Federal Aid/Pell) 006787

(State Aid/TAP)             2036


 Go to: .

Log In

Click "Make FAFSA Corrections"

Navigate to school selection page, CCC's code is 006787.

Delete the previous school where you do NOT want your information sent.

SUBMIT the corrected FAFSA.-saving it will not affect the changes made.


Apply for the FSA ID: 

Before filing your FAFSA, you will need to apply for a FSA ID. Dependent students will need one parent to do the same.

Now get ready to complete the application! Go to: 

  • Gather the following information to begin your FAFSA:
    • Social security numbers for yourself AND your parent if you're a dependent student
    • An Alien Registration Number if you're not a U.S. Citizen
    • Federal tax returns (from the prior-prior year)for yourself (AND your parent if you're a dependent student) or your spouse if applicable
    • W2 statements (from the prior-prior year)for yourself (AND your parent if you're a dependent student) or your spouse if applicable
    • Any records of untaxed income: Social Security, Temporary Assistance To Needy Families, Veterans Benefits etc. for yourself (AND your parent if you're a dependent student) or your spouse if applicable
    • Information on checking and savings accounts, investments, and business or farm assets for yourself (AND your parent if you're a dependent student) or your spouse if applicable
  • If you do not receive a response from FAFSA within two weeks, go to login and click: "View your Student Aid Report."
  • For FAFSA help 8 a.m.- midnight, call: 1-800-4-FED-AID or 1-800-730-8913 (TTY)hearing impaired
  • If you need to apply for student loans, file the FAFSA FIRST.  Awards and loan offers will be listed in the CCC student portal when the process is finalized, if you don't see one listed there, contact the Fin Aid Office directly.
  • A guardian wishing to borrow for a dependent can view:  Parent PLUS Loan Instructions 


Apply for TAP 

  • After filing your FAFSA online: Select the link "File your TAP application now", from the confirmation page of the FAFSA. If you miss the link, wait until the FAFSA is finalized (approx 1 week) and then go to:
  • HESC manages the New York State Tuition Assistance Program. Information from your FAFSA and your family's calculated NYS Net Taxable income will be carried over into your TAP application.
  • Once your application has been processed, you will receive a TAP/State Scholarship Award Notice. If additional information is needed to process your TAP award, you will receive a Request for Information from HESC. Be sure to respond in a timely manner.
  • For automated assistance with TAP call: 1-888-697-4372



  • When your award package is complete, the CCC Financial Aid Office will send an email to your Clinton email and the email you provided on the FAFSA. Everything you need will be accessed through the CCC student portal.