Alcohol and Drug Information
Clinton Community College is a Drug and Alcohol-free Campus
Possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol on college property or at college-sponsored events is prohibited and will result in serious disciplinary action.
Drug and alcohol abuse is devastating, not only to the user but also to friends, families and the college community.
It is important to note that, under local, State and Federal laws, illegal uses of drugs and alcohol are serious crimes. Conviction of a felony carries serious consequences, including loss of citizenship rights during the period of sentence, and possible jail terms. Convictions may jeopardize future employment opportunities.
Further information on the legal ramifications of drug and alcohol abuse, including the Student Rights and Responsibilities document and the text of Public Law 101-226, is available in the college library and in the Vice President for Student Services office.
In addition to impacting the lives of others in dangerous ways, users of illegal drugs and alcohol subject themselves to serious health problems both now and for years into the future, including addiction, disease and death.
For students, help is available from:
- The Counseling Office (518) 562-4199, Ext. 199, Room 146
- Student Health Office (518) 562-4129, Ext. 129, Room 141
- Vice President for Student Services (518) 562-4120, Ext 120, Room 227
Assistance is also available from the following organizations:
- Alcoholics Anonymous (518) 561-8444
Champlain Valley Family Center (518) 561-8480
Conifer Park (518) 561-0130
Clinton County Addiction Services (518) 562-2780
Further information on health consequences of drug and alcohol abuse is available in the college library, Counseling Office , Student Health Office, and the following websites:
CCC Provides Alcohol and Drug Education to Students in the following ways:
- General Awareness events each semester, such as DWI Simulator
- Alcohol Trivia nights at Residence halls
- Alcohol 101 workshop offered monthly
- National and local speakers on topics related to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
- Free Confidential Appointments and referrals offered to students by Counseling and Advisement
CCC also promotes social norming related to Alcohol, Tobacco , and Other Drugs (ATOD). The CORE Alcohol and Drug Survey is administered on campus, every two years, and that data is utilized to create a media driven campaign to raise awareness on specific issues such as binge drinking and marijuana use.
The most recent campaign is called "LEAD WITH US, Following the Crowd Never Felt so Good". This campaign educates students that more than half of CCC students do not engage in binge drinking. (CORE Survey 2009)
Policy on Prescription Drugs
This policy provides guidelines for possession and use of prescription medications on campus.
Prescription Medications - Role of Health Office
The Health Office at Clinton Community College is not responsible for holding or storing any medication prescribed for any individual (student or employee). Employees and students are responsible for carrying any prescription medication on their own person.
Prescription Medications - Narcotics
Clinton Community College employees and students taking prescribed narcotics are asked to carry only a one-day's supply and to ingest the medication in a discreet manner for their own safety.
Self-Administered Prescription Medications (injectible)
CCC personnel and students who are diabetic or have other health problems may find it necessary to self-administer insulin or other medications while on campus. In this process, materials may be generated that are contaminated with blood and body fluid. Improper disposal of this waste can place employees and students at risk of contracting blood borne diseases.
All employees and students who self-administer prescription medications are required to keep all used and/or contaminated materials in their possession while on campus and transport these materials to their home or other locations for proper disposal (sharps container). Individuals who fail to follow these procedures will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.