Preferred Name Procedures


Clinton Community College recognizes that some students, staff and faculty may wish to use a first name other than a legal/official name of record first name to identify themselves in day-to-day use. The College extends this accommodation in order to help foster a more welcoming, supportive and respectful campus climate for all of its members. As long as the use of a preferred name is not for the purposes of misrepresentation, to avoid legal obligation, or a use of a highly offensive or derogatory name, the College acknowledges that a "preferred name" may be used where reasonably possible in the course of college education, employment, business, and communication. This policy is limited to first names and not surnames or family names. For non-U.S. citizens, the official name of record is the passport name. 

The College will utilize the preferred first name for class rosters, the online directory, student and employee I.D. badges, e-mail, etc. A student's or employee's legal/official name of record name will remain unchanged in all other College-related systems. Students who wish to change their legal/official name of record must contact the Registrar's Office.  Employees who wish to change their legal name of record should contact Human Resources.
Student preferred first names are set at the Registrar's Office and require student consent. Therefore, only a Clinton Community College student can modify one's own Preferred First Name. Students wishing to add a preferred first name, or modify an existing first name, will use the online Preferred Name Request Form or obtain the form from the Registrar's Office. 
Wherever reasonably possible, the preferred first name is used in the College's systems. Official transcripts, enrollment verifications, diplomas, third party database systems, paychecks, medical records, financial aid documents, federal immigration documents, all external communications (in many cases even letters home), such as hometown newspapers (dean's list announcements, etc.), or any other College business requiring legal needs, however, will continue to use legal/official names. The College will attempt to display preferred first name to the College community where feasible and appropriate and make a good faith effort to update reports, documents and systems accordingly. Our student portal is currently unable to accommodate a preferred name. 

Adopted August 15, 2017
