Nursing Readmission to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Semester
A student will have only one opportunity for readmission to the Nursing Program. A student being readmitted to the program must repeat any required nursing courses that were taken more than two years ago. Students who have had an interruption of 2 years or more should proceed with the required application process through the Admissions department. Instructions can be found at
Students who reapply within the 2 year window will follow the readmission process below:
Any student who is being readmitted to the program must meet all prerequisites for subsequent course work. Credit for prior science courses (Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology) will be considered if the course(s) have been taken within five (5) years of readmission to the program. Any student who is unsuccessful or withdraws from a course for any reason must repeat the entire course, including clinical components. The student will be held to current standards of courses as outlined in the syllabi.
Students seeking readmission to the Nursing program must submit a letter to the Director of Nursing requesting reinstatement. Requests must be submitted by:
- April 15th for students seeking admission to the 3rd semester (fall).
- November 15th for students seeking admission to the 2nd and 4th semesters (spring).
The letter requesting reinstatement should specify the semester, year and course to which the student seeks readmission. The letter should be written in essay form with proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. The letter should include:
- recognition of the deterring factors in the previous program attempt,
- evidence of remediation of the deterring factors and,
- a plan for achieving successful completion of the Nursing program.
Students reapplying to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th semester will be required to demonstrate minimum competency as stated below:
- a dosage calculation test
- retake of a final exam from the student's last successful semester
- comprehensive skill evaluation (proficiency)
The Nursing Readmission Committee will review the student request, determine the readmission status, and notify the student of their status. The decision may include readmission (dependent of space availability), a directive to complete remedial coursework and readmission, or denial of readmission. If openings occur subsequent to this notification, students will be contacted immediately. It is not uncommon for students to be notified just prior to the start of a semester due to sudden unexpected openings. Available seat openings do not guarantee readmission. Consideration of extenuating and unusual student circumstances is at the discretion of the re-admission committee. The committee decision will be based on the review of the following documentation:
- student's letter
- student's clinical evaluations for all courses completed and attempted
- student's updated transcripts and prior academic performance (GPA, exams)
- student's compliance with current health requirements
- TEAS score
- other pertinent data
Students cannot bypass the Nursing Readmission Committee and go directly to any member of the Department of Nursing and Allied Health, college administration, or the Board of Trustees to request readmission. Any grievance of the NRC decision must be filed in writing within 30 days following the Academic Grievance Procedure published in the college catalog.