Math Advisement Information
UPDATED -The Math Department has updated our advisement documents. We encourage you to print these documents for yourself and/or for your advisees.
Math Sequence of Courses - A Quick Reference
The link below contains the very popular math flowchart
Math Flowchart effective Fall 2019
Schedule of Math Courses by Semester
This schedule of courses can help you thoughtfully plan by know what semesters each math course is offered.
Schedule of Math Courses Offered by Semester
Credit by Examination Options in Mathematics
Students who feel that their math skills are top-notch can earn credit for our math courses by earning sufficient scores on standardized exams such as AP, CLEP and DSST. The document below outlines all of the exams that we accept and the necessary earned score.
Credit by Examination Options in Math
CCC Math Course Information
Students and other colleges interested in learning more about what is taught in a math course, what textbook and materials are used, and the objectives covered can access this information on our Math Course Information page. The Math Department regularly updates this information and the information is standard on course syllabi. This type of information is often requested by students as they transfer to their four-year institution of interest.