Students who place into MAT090 are required to enroll in both MAT098 and this supplemental course during the same semester. The course is designed to assist students in achieving success in MAT098 by offering them supplemental support and instruction. Students must earn a CN or better to pass the course.

PREREQUISITE: Required on the basis of placement test results

COREQUISITE: The corresponding MAT098 section


  • A student who withdraws or is involuntarily withdrawn from either MAT090 or MAT098 will automatically be withdrawn from the other course during the same semester. 
  • A student who does not successfully complete MAT090 will receive a grade of RN in the corresponding section of MAT098 during the same semester.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: No textbook is required for this course.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Pencils, erasers, paper, 3-ring binder


Students will receive supplemental support and additional practice to increase their ability to transfer basic arithmetic skills to subsequent prealgebra topics. As a result of instructional activities, students will be able to

  1. Perform the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, by hand.
  2. Evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents and square roots.
  3. Solve problems involving ratios and proportions.
  4. Solve problems involving percents.
  5. Identify basic geometrical figures and find their perimeter and area.
  6. Apply knowledge of basic arithmetic skills to problem solving.
  7. Reason clearly and express themselves coherently in a mathematical context.
  8. Transfer basic arithmetic skills to subsequent courses such as pre- and introductory algebra.

The MAT090 course outline will generally follow the course outline for the corresponding MAT098 section, with an emphasis on developing the arithmetic skills necessary for mastery of the MAT098 course objectives.


  1. Operations with Whole Numbers and Integers (textbook chapter 1 & 7) including introduction to the whole numbers and integers, operations with whole numbers and integers, prime factors and exponents, order of operations
  2. Expressions and Equations (textbook chapter 8) including introduction to expressions, simplifying expressions, solving equations involving integers
  3. Fractions and Mixed Numbers (textbook chapter 3) including the Fundamental Property of Fractions, operations with fractions and mixed numbers, order of operations, solving equations containing fractions
  4. Decimals (textbook chapter 3) including review of operations with decimals, solving equations containing decimals, square roots
  5. Percent (textbook chapter 4) including percents, decimals, and fractions, solving percent problems
  6. Introduction to Graphing (textbook chapter 9) including the rectangular coordinate system, graphing linear equations
  7. Introduction to Geometry (textbook chapter 6) including basic definitions, polygons, perimeter and area of geometric figures, volume of solids
The Math Department at CCC recommends that you review the following topics to be successful in MAT090:

Operations with whole numbers: Adding subtracting, multiplying and dividing without the use of a calculator.
Place Values: Whole numbers
Properties of Arithmetic: Commutative, associative, distributive, identities, inverse

You can do this from home by selecting any of the aforementioned topics on the math tutorial websites listed below; there you will find mini-lectures, worked problems, practice problems and helpful tips.

  1. Place Value
  2. Properties
  3. Study Skills

Review of these topics will prepare you to be successful in the first four weeks when you are getting situated and accustomed to your new environment.

Feel free to contact a member of the Math Department or the Math Department Chair.


