General Education Courses
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The approved CCC courses for each of the general education categories effective Spring 2022 are as follows:
HIS 102 History of Modern America
HIS 203 History of the Champlain Valley
BUS 218 Business Ethics
COM 101 Public Speaking
ENV 220 Seminar in Environmental Issues
ENG 101 English Composition
ESL 101 Advanced Composition
ASL 101 American Sign Language I
ASL 102 American Sign Language II
CHI 101 Elementary Mandarin Chinese I
CHI 102 Elementary Mandarin Chinese II
FRE 101 Elementary French I
FRE 101P Elementary French for the Professions
FRE 102 Elementary French II
FRE 201 Intermediate French I
FRE 202 Intermediate French II
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 101P Elementary Spanish for the Professions
SPA 110 Spanish for Health Care
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II
ART 115 Art of the Western World: Ancient to Medieval
ART 116 Art of the Western World: Renaissance to Modern
ENG 102 Literature and Composition
FRE 250 Quebec Culture and Society
GWS101 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
HUM 180 Signing Chorus
MSM 118 Mass Media
MUS 184 Jazz Appreciation
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 102 The World's Religions
MAT 101Q Quantitative Literacy II
MAT 103 Finite Mathematics
MAT 104 College Algebra with Trigonometry I
MAT 105 Technical Mathematics I
MAT 161 Elementary Statistics
MAT 204 College Algebra with Trigonometry II
MAT 205 Technical Mathematics II
MAT 215 Calculus for Business Students
MAT 224 Calculus I
MAT 225 Calculus II
BIO 100 Human Biology
BIO 101 General Biology I
BIO 102 General Biology II
BIO 204 Microbiology
BIO 206 Ecology
BIO 250 Biotechnology
CHE 100 Introduction to Forensic Science
CHE 101 Applied Chemistry
CHE 111 General Chemistry I
CHE 112 General Chemistry II
ENV 101 Environmental Science
ENV 210 Environmental Technology
GEL 101 Physical Geology
MET 101 Meteorology
PHY 100 Physics for the Liberal Arts
PHY 111 General Physics I
PHY 112 General Physics II
SCI 101 Science Inquiry for Biology & Chemistry
SCI 102 Science Inquiry for Earth & Physical Science
ENG 220 Multicultural American Literature
ENG 225 Nineteenth and Twentieth Century World Literature
HIS 132 History of the Modern World
HIS 250 Twentieth Century World History
ANT 101 Cultural Anthropology
ECO 101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 102 Principles of Macroeconomics
PSC 100 Government and Politics in America
PSC 240 State and Local Government
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
ART 101 Introduction to Design
ART 103 Introduction to Drawing
ART 104 Introduction to Painting
ART 108 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Design
ART 111 Traditional Photography
ART 113 Digital Photography
ART 114 Introduction to Illustration
ART 115 Art of the Western World: Ancient to Medieval
ART 116 Art of the Western World: Renaissance to Modern
HUM 110 Introduction to the Arts
HUM 180 Signing Chorus
MSM 239 Art of the Film
MUS 101 Music Appreciation
MUS 115 American Musical Theater
MUS 184 Jazz Appreciation
THE 110 Theater and Performance
THE 115 American Musical Theater
FRE 250 Quebec Culture and Society
HIS 121 Origins of Western Civilization
HIS 122 Western Civilization in the Modern Era
CSC 102 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
LIB 101 Library Research Skills
SCI 110 Foundational Skills in Science
* Infusion means that this requirement is meaningfully addressed throughout a variety of courses in the General Education program. Students satisfy a General Education Requirement by infusion only if they graduate with an A.A. or A.S. degree.