
To ensure a safe start of the Spring 2021 semester, a mandatory COVID-19 testing is scheduled for Jan. 28. Health questionnaire and safety attestation form are also required. Click title for more details.

Returning safely for Spring 2021

To ensure a safe start of the Spring 2021 semester, a mandatory COVID-19 testing is scheduled for Jan. 28. Health questionnaire and safety attestation form are also required. Click title for more details.

CCC is proud to recognize students on their high academic performance during the Fall 2020 semester. Dean’s List students earned a grade point average between 3.25 and 3.749. President’s List students achieved a grade point average of 3.75 or above.

President's and Dean's List

CCC is proud to recognize students on their high academic performance during the Fall 2020 semester. Dean’s List students earned a grade point average between 3.25 and 3.749. President’s List students achieved a grade point average of 3.75 or above.

CCC campus

Value of Community Colleges

Press Republican editorial explains the importance of community college education and the value of a 2-year degree.

With a unanimous vote, the Clinton County Legislature has adopted the Clinton Community College budget for the 2021 fiscal year.

Clinton County approves CCC budget

With a unanimous vote, the Clinton County Legislature has adopted the Clinton Community College budget for the 2021 fiscal year.


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Total Annoucements: 145


12:00 PM

Sand Art Candles

Moore Bldg: 2nd Floor Atrium

1:00 PM

HOME Men's Basketball Game vs SUNY Adirondack

Forrence Center: Gymnasium

12:00 PM

Touch the Torch Presentation

Moore Bldg: 2nd Floor Atrium

12:00 PM

A Presentation of Native American Heritage and Culture

Moore Bldg: 2nd Floor Atrium

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