Maureen Moll: Excellence in Community Theatre Award

The Clinton Community College Foundation is pleased to announce the Maureen Moll: Excellence in Community Theatre Award in recognition for her lasting and significant contributions to performing arts in our area.

In 2012, Plattsburgh Little Theater members and officers, William D. Laundry, Frederick G. Smith, Judith Heintz, Vicky Sloan, and Lee Ann Thomas presented account funds from Plattsburgh Little Theatre to Clinton Community College’s Foundation with the intent to preserve Marueen’s community theater legacy.  Clinton Community College was the perfect choice to administer this award due to its own history of collaboration and sponsorship of drama productions of all three groups- Plattsburgh Little Theatre, Adirondack Regional Theatre and Artistry Community Theatre. Clinton Community College is proud of its role in supporting excellence in community theater and looks forward to continuing this support in its new location in Fall 2025.

Maureen Moll understood the joy and transformative power of community that is created when people unite to engage artistically and to creatively express life through performance. Maureen strived for excellence in performance whether it was a song and dance skit or a fully staged production. 

Maureen also understood that performance was made possible through directing and organizing the infrastructure of production including overseeing crews, funding and marketing.  With ease and command, she could hold center stage in the spotlight, but she also found great satisfaction doing what was needed off stage- behind the scenes, out of view to support excellence in community theater. 

The friendships and the relationships formed during Maureen Moll’s “reign” between 1965-2013, as they often do in community theater, extend past the final bow, the closing of the curtain, and the striking of the set. This award honors Maureen’s dedication and belief that live community theater enhances both the lives of those involved and those who attend performances. It links the 50-year history of community performance from the Plattsburgh Airbase in 1965 to the current 2025 community theater organizations in our area- Adirondack Regional Theatre and Artistry Community Theatre.
