Criminal Justice A.A.S.

The Criminal Justice degree program is a comprehensive curriculum dealing with the broad field of criminal justice, including areas such as law enforcement, corrections, and the courts. While preparing the student for work in many areas of criminal justice, the curriculum also includes basic college courses applicable to four-year degree programs. Students in this curriculum can prepare for a career in law enforcement corrections, investigation, security, administration, and social work. This curriculum supplements the specific training of agencies involved in criminal justice operations.

The mission of the Criminal Justice A.A.S. program is to provide educational opportunities and experiences that prepare students for employment in some areas of Criminal Justice. The program also provides the basis for further education leading into careers in other social science related disciplines.

The Criminal Justice A.A.S. program will:

  • Assist students to develop a thorough knowledge of the components of the criminal justice system and how they interact with each other.
  • Prepare students to apply analytical skills and substantive knowledge to specific criminal justice problems.
  • Prepare students to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Prepare students for successful employment in the field of criminal justice or a related field.

Discipline Category Descriptions

Minimum Degree Requirements (60 credits)
Effective Fall 2022
English (6 credits)
ENG 101 English Composition
ENG 102 Literature & Composition
Humanities (3 Credits)
COM 101 Public Speaking
Criminal Justice (27 Credits)
CRI 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRI 201 Criminal Law
CRI 208 Corrections: Theory & Practice
CRI 210 Police Operations
CRI 207 Criminal Investigations
CRI 214 Ethics in Criminal Justice
--------> Criminal Justice electives (9 credits)


College Success (3 Credits) 
FCS 101 Foundations for College Success


Social Science (9 Credits)
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 
PSC 100
PSC 120
PSC 240
Government & Politics in America  or
Intro. to Political Science/Comparative Politics or
State & Local Government 
Math or Science (3 Credits)

Any MAT course above 100  or
Any 4-credit natural science course with a lab

Students who take a 4-credit math or science are required
to take only 3 credits of free elective. 

Info. Management (3 Credits) 
CSC 102 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
Free Electives (6 Credits) 

Any courses that receive college credit

Students who take a 4-credit math or science are required
to take only 3 credits of free elective.

Degree Requirements Worksheets

Students who earn a Criminal Justice A.A.S. degree are prepared for entry into the law enforcement field.


Some popular career options are: 

  • State Police Officer
  • Municipal Police Officer
  • Federal Law Enforcement Officer
  • State- and County-Level Corrections Officers
  • Deputy Sheriff
  • Court Officer
  • Private and Campus Security Officers

Some graduates of the program have transferred into bachelor's degree programs in a related field, such as SUNY Canton's Criminal Investigation and Homeland Security programs.



Apply Online

Request Information

Criminal Justice

Moore Bldg., 5th floor
Room 511M
Phone: 518-562-4187

Gina Lindsey
Division Coordinator - Business, Criminal Justice, Human Services, Social & Behavioral Sciences
