The Associate's Degree Pathway:
The Associate Degree is a two-year degree program of study, requir- ing between
60-68 credits. Clinton Community College (CCC) is authorized by the State
University of New York (SUNY) to grant associate degrees in a number of both
specialized career fields Associate in Applied Science�AAS degree programs) and
in more general, liberal arts areas of studies (Associate in Arts�AA degree
programs and Associate in Science-AS degree programs.) Which of these two
pathways is best for you? The answer will depend mostly upon your ultimate goal
for coming to college:
If your ultimate goal is to earn a two-year degree at CCC and begin working
immediately after that, the AAS (Associate in Applied Science) degree pathway
is probably the best pathway for you. Clinton Community College offers AAS
degree pro- grams in Business Accounting, Business Administration, Business
Information Technology, Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice�Police,
Electrical Technology� Electronics, Industrial Technology, Human Services,
Individual Studies, and Nursing. Note: While the AAS degree is designed primarily to make
you �marketable� for a job immediately following earning your two- year degree, many four-year
institutions also accept these credits toward a bachelor�s (four-year) degree.
- If your ultimate goal is to earn a two-year degree at CCC and transfer to an
upper level college to earn a Bachelor�s (four year) degree, either the AA
(Associate in Arts) or the AS (Associate in Science) degree pathway is probably
the best pathway for you. Both the AA and AS degree fields are referred to as
�liberal arts� degrees, meaning they are meant to give a student a solid
grounding in college level skills, thinking, and understanding, but they do not
have a specific career focus. You would follow either the AA degree pathway or
the AS degree pathway, depending on what type of specialization (college major)
you wish to follow once you transfer to a Bachelor�s degree program:
For Humanities or Social Sciences areas, you would follow CCC�s Associate in
Arts (AA)�Humanities/Social Science degree pathway. Some of the specialized
fields or majors you might follow after transferring to a Bachelor�s degree
program are: anthropology, art, communications, English, psychology, sociology,
foreign language, history, music, education, pre- law, journalism, economics,
political science, geography, jour nalism, minority studies, minority studies,
social work, phys ical education, recreation management, therapeutic manage-
ment, women�s studies, and theatre.
For Math or Science areas, you would follow CCC�s Associate in Science
(AS)�Math/Science degree pathway. Some of the specialized fields or majors you
might follow after transfer- ring to a Bachelor�s degree program are: biology,
cytotechnol ogy, chemistry, medical technology, pre-med., math, physical
therapy, biochemistry, medical imaging, respiratory care, car- diovascular
perfusion, radiation therapy, environmental sci ence, geology, physics, and
For Business Management or Business Administration areas, you would follow
CCC�s Associate in Science (AS)�Business Administration degree pathway. Most
Bachelor degree pro- grams are in the general fields of business management and
business administration, and many have specialized degree work (finance,
banking, investments, accounting, marketing, management, economics, human
resources, international business, etc.) within these two general business
Certificate Level Pathways:
The Certificate Level Pathway at CCC leads you to specialized, shorter-term
career programs, generally one year or shorter in length. This pathway may be
appropriate for those who seek a one-year or less cre- dential to begin working
in a specialized field or for those with previous college degrees or credits
who wish to increase their career skills and opportunities. In most cases, you
can use all of your Certificate level courses toward an Associate Degree in the
same area, should you wish to go even further at CCC on this pathway.
Gainful Employment Programs
The United States Department of Education has recently mandated that certain information
for programs designed to lead to gainful employment be disclosed to prospective students. At
Clinton Community College, all of our certificate programs fall under these regulations.
Learn more about Clinton�s Gainful Employment programs.
Transfer Program (Bachelor's Degree Pathway):
If your future includes plans to transfer from Clinton Community College to
other four year schools within the SUNY system, then you will want to explore
the transfer options that CCC offers. CCC will award you an associate
degree for your two years here before you transfer on to finish your final 2
years at another institution. Clinton Community College (CCC) has worked with
several Bachelor�s degree granting institutions to allow you to begin your
study at CCC and transfer easily to a four-year institution (usually after two
years and completion of your Associate degree) to complete the Bachelor�s
degree of your choice. The written agreements which we sign with these
institutions ensure that you can begin any of a vast number of programs at
Clinton Community College and then transfer to a Bachelor�s degree level
institution to complete your bachelor�s degree work in your chosen field of
Because of this special Transfer Degree Pathway, you can complete half of
your credits toward the Bachelor�s degree at Clinton Community College. Doing
so makes earning a Bachelor�s degree more convenient and will likely save you a
considerable amount of money.
By taking one of CCC�s liberal arts programs (Associate in Arts� Humanities/Social Science or
Associate in Science�Math/Science) you can also prepare to enter into the
junior year for many programs. The Associate�s Degree in Liberal Arts at CCC prepares you
for entering into Bachelor�s degree fields such as mathematics, English, history, sociology, art,
political science, psychology, science, etc. These Bachelor�s degree programs,
in turn, help you prepare for professional careers in these areas and also
prepare you for even more advanced degrees, such as those in law or medicine.
Wherever you are headed as you pursue a college degree, your pathway can begin
at Clinton Community College!