For Employers

National Credentials

If your industry requires specific credentials, Clinton may be able to help. Currently, we offer the following nationally recognized industry credentialing programs.  

Water Operator
Begin your path to becoming a Water Operator. 

OSHA Training
Earn your 10 or 30 hour OSHA card! Many positions require OSHA training, and now you can complete your training and earn this credential online through CCC's partnership with University of South Florida. 

MSSC Certified Production Technician AE
The Manufacturing Skill Standard Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician AE (CPT AE) credential proves to the manufacturing industry that you possess critical skills.

The CPT demonstrates mastery of core competencies in manufacturing production at the front-line (entry-level through front line supervisor) through successful completion of four individual certificate modules:

  • Safety
  • Quality Practices & Measurement
  • Manufacturing Processes & Production
  • Maintenance Awareness

This modular credential allows you to take courses in the skill areas that you would most benefit from.

Center for Community & Workforce Development

Moore Bldg., 1st floor
Room 139M
Phone: 518-562-4143


Connor Douglass
Community & Workforce
Development Specialist
