Grants and Funding Assistance

For Business and Industry

SUNY Workforce Development Grant

The Workforce Development Training Grant program provides funding for SUNY Community Colleges to operate workforce development/job training programs to businesses and organizations to promote and encourage the location and development of new business in the State, and to create and retain employment opportunities in local communities.

To learn more contact: Center for Community & Workforce Development   518-562-4143

For Job Seekers

OneWorkSource Business & Employment Center

Established under the Workforce Investment Act, OneWorkSource Centers bring employment and training services to one location, making it easier for job seekers to find gainful employment and for employers to find trained employees.

To learn more contact: 

Caroline Goodrow, 518-561-0430 ext. 3031 or email

Kathy Bishop, 518-561-0430 ext. 3060 or email

ACCES-VR (Vocational Rehabilitation)

Assisting individuals with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living. 

To learn more call: 518-483-3530

Center for Community & Workforce Development

Moore Bldg., 1st floor
Room 139M
Phone: 518-562-4143


Connor Douglass
Community & Workforce
Development Specialist
