How to Start a Club

Before Completing the following charter, you should read Article VIII, Sections 1-4, of the Student Senate Bylaws. This section addresses campus clubs, organizations, and committees.  Complete the following form and submit it, then click on the signatures needed to start a club form to acquire the signatures and bring that completed page to the Director of Campus Life in room 349M.

*Note: All CCC students must be eligible to join any campus organization.

Clearly state the reasons for the organization's existence and list the activities and goals of its members

Please list the officers for your club below with the title.  For example:

President - Calvin Cougar
Vice President - Tom Bluff

The rules contained in Robert's Rules or Order shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution of this society.


Once the form is submitted, please print the form below and follow the instructions within the document

New Club Signatures

