CCC NSTA Science Club

CCC NSTA Science Club

Who Are We?

The CCC Science Club is a student club that has built a presence for science on campus since 2003.  The club is for anyone, in any program of study, interested in promoting the understanding of scientific issues relevant to our lives.  All students interested in having some fun promoting science within our college community and the community at large are encouraged to participate.

The CCC Science Club is also affiliated with the National Science Teacher's AssociationNSTA is the premier science educators organization dedicated to promoting excellence in science teaching and science learning for all.  In 2003, Clinton Community College gained the distinction of being the first community college in the nation to become affiliated with NSTA.

NSTA provides invaluable resources and networking potential to future educators.  If you are a pre-service teacher (non-science or science major) consider becoming a member of this organization at a reduced student membership cost.  To explore resources and find information about membership click on the link above.   Membership applications are also available through the Club Advisor.

When Do We Meet?

Fall/Spring Semesters

When:  To be confirmed for 2015-2016 (typically 2nd and 4rth Wednesdays of each month)
Time:   To be confirmed for 2015-2016 (typically from 12:00-1:00pm)
Where:  Stafford Science and Technology Building Room 223T

Our Financial Support?
The club can  fundraise money  to pay for activities or programs that enrich
the campus, faculty, and students. 

What have we done in the past?

Our Presence on Campus                                         
Phi Theta Kappa Society inductions (catering)
Science Journal Publication
Annual Fall Festival                                                      
Diversity Celebration
Science Show (Alumni Weekend)
Science Film Festival:  The Science of Science Fiction Cinema
Annual Earth Day Activities

Community Outreach
Earth Day Clean Up in Downtown Plattsburgh
Bake Sale for a Family in Need
Holiday Food Baskets
Children's Science Show
Moleman 6.02K Challenge
Mole Day Activity Packets for Area H.S. Chemistry Teachers
Junior First Lego League Mentoring

Club Outings and Trips
AuSable Chasm
 Cosmodome, Laval, Canada
 Museum of Science, Boston, MA
 Biodome and Planetarium, Montreal, Canada
ECHO, Burlington, VT
SUNY Plattsburgh Planetarium

For more information about our Science Club contact:

Gary Henry , Francine Jolicoeur , and Janice Padula
Faculty Advisors                                                          

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