Michael Zerrahn
M.S. SUNY-Plattsburgh
B.S. SUNY-Empire State
A.S. Clinton Community CollegeCourses Taught:
Business Law I, Business Law II, Computers in Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Introduction to Business, Managerial Accounting, Payroll Accounting, Principles of Finance, Principles of Marketing, Quantitative Business Skills
Academic Background and Interests
I have been teaching at CCC starting full-time in the Fall of 2011. Prior to that, I was an adjunct professor teaching evening courses while teaching full-time at Peru Central School. Prior to going into education, I worked for many years for various businesses in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The positions I held have given me practical hands-on experience in managing finances, human resources, physical resources, inventory and developing business relationships, which I have been able to bring to my classes.
Personal Interests and Hobbies
When not in the classroom, I tend to be a very active person. You will often find me at the gym or on the road biking or running. I have been active in triathlons since 2005. You may also find me out on the lake kayaking or hiking a mountain. When not out torturing my body, I enjoy time with my family attending concerts, shows, and sporting events of our favorite teams. I have also coached various sports for many years.
Keys to Success
When I am faced with a challenge, I remind myself to stay positive and believe in myself. I have found that if you're willing to put in the time and effort, you will be pleasantly surprised with what you are able to accomplish and where it can take you. "I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan "No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson