Course Info for ENV230 - Simulated Environ Impact Statement Proj
This course allows the student to participate in a simulated Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a fictitious project. The students work together to prepare the EIS document that thoroughly analyzes the environmental consequences of the project. The students will prepare their findings and present them in a mock hearing to the public for scrutiny.
ENV101 - Environmental Science or equivalent
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents: Recommendations for the Preparation of Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement, NEPA Environmental Impact Statement Summary.
Other NEPA documents at
As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:
- write an EIS
- read and analyze an EIS
- Introduction to the EIS
- History of the law
- National Environmental Policy Act
- Endangered Species Act
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act
- Review the site plans4.Field trip to the proposed site
- Sample collection
- Species and organism classifications and possible collection
- Measurement of pertinent structures and/or bodies of water
- Overall site assessment
- Research and obtain topographic maps showing groundwater data and topography for the proposed site
- Collation and collaboration of data, facts, and assessments
- Preparation of EIS8.The public hearing or mock trial