Course Info for ENV220 - Seminar in Environ. Issues
This course provides the student with an opportunity to discuss in depth a local environmental issue that is indicative of our region. The students will work togetherto analyze the environmental issue from all aspects. All public documents related to the issue will be reviewed as well as the students will participate in any public hearing or forum related to the issue
ENV101 - Environmental Science or equivalent
Relevant documents and materials required in the literature search.
As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:
- analyze a local environmental issue
- perform a literature search on a specific environmental issue
- perform a background search for legal documentsand public information
- discuss and debate documents and scientific information within a group
- perform a site evaluation on an environmental issue
- write a comprehensive report and present an oral interpretation on an environmental issue
- Introduction to topic
- Brief history of the issue(s)
- Literature search and background information
- Data and document collection
- Review of documents
- Collaborative teams divide the data and information for review
- Field trip to site(s) and public hearings or forums
- Collaborative teams present their assessment of the issue
- Each student submits a final report
Feel free to contact a member of the Science Department or the Science Department Chair.