Course Info for ENV215 - Environmental Site Assessment

This course examines recognized environmental conditions and good commercial and customary practice in the United States of America. Conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contaminants within the scope of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensationand Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 U.S.C. 9601) and petroleum productswill be addressed.




ENG101 - English Composition or equivalent 


To be determined by the respective instructor.


To be determined by the respective instructor.

As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:

  1. describe Federal, state and local regulations and customary practice in the United States of America for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contaminants.
  2. identify recognized environmental conditionsincluding the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products.
  3. describe the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLARequirements for environmental site assessmentof a parcel of commercial real estate.
  4. synthesize and put in writing good commercial and customary practice for environmental site assessments for commercial real estate i.e. correct documentation practices.

Genreal Topics Outline

  1. Phase I environmental site assessment definitions and terminology.
  2. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)requirements for Landowner Liability protections (LLPs).
  3. Identification and definition of recognized environmental conditions.
  4. Documentation, research evaluation andreporting requirements
Feel free to contact a member of the Science Department or the Science Department Chair.


