Course Info for ENV214 - Internship/Field Training

This internship will provide students with a supervised, on-the-job, work experience in an environmental technology related field. Students are required to work a minimum of forty hours at a sponsor site and meet with the instructor for approximately 4 class hours during the semester.


ENV210, GPA of 2.5 or higher.


ENG101 - English Composition or equivalent, ENV210 - Simulated ENV impact project, ENV220 - Seminar in ENV issues.


To be determined by the respective instructor.


To be determined by the respective instructor.

 As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:

  1. Apply skills and concepts learned in environmental science technology program to a real world situation.
  2. Transfer these skills and concepts to new equipment and procedures in the work environment.
  3. Understand Human Factors related to the environmental technology workplace. Specifically: human capabilities and behaviors; communication, monitoring and cross-checking; decision making and judgment; stress management; workload management; engineering a safety culture in the workplace.   
  4. Utilize effective communications skills in the workplace and in seminars.
  5. Understand team dynamics and leadership skills.
  6. Assume responsibility for his/her individual role in the Internship experience

General Topics Outline

The overall goals/topics for this course are to provide proficiency in the following areas:

  1. Human Factors
  2. Interpersonal Communication
  3. Teamwork and Leadership
Feel free to contact a member of the Science Department or the Science Department Chair.


