Course Info for ENV211 - Water Quality Operator

Water quality standards are largely set by two major Federal environmental statutes: the Safe Drinking Water Act, which specifies standards for drinking water, and the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge of pollutants. This course describes the guidelines established by Federal, state and local regulations and their effect on plant operations. Instrumentation used to sample and measure water quality, and make repairs to valves, pumps, and other equipment are discussed.


ENV210 - Environmental Technology


ENG101 - English Composition or equivalent


To be determined by the respective instructor.


To be determined by the respective instructor.

 As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:

  1. Describe Federal, state and local regulations controlling standards for drinking water.
  2. Describe examples of distribution system configurations and their components.
  3. Define the disinfection requirements, reasons for disinfection (legislation) and responsibilities of water system personnel.
  4. Describe fundamental water distribution systems.


  1. Describe Federal, state and local regulations controlling standards for drinking water.
  2. Distribution system configurations and their components.
  3. Disinfection Requirements; specifically
    1. Reasons for disinfection (legislation)
    2. Responsibilities of water system personnel
    3. Primary and secondary disinfectants
    4. Pathogens
    5. Residual testing
    6. Alternative types of disinfection - UV, ozone, chloranimation, chlorine dioxide etc.
  4. Water Distribution System; specifically,
    1. Pipe and pipe materials
    2. Distribution mains and Service Laterals
    3. Pipe performance and the "C" Factor
    4. Pipe tables and their use
Feel free to contact a member of the Science Department or the Science Department Chair.


