Course Info for ENV210 - Environmental Technology

The physical and chemical nature of soil, water, and air in a variety of geologic settings is the background for applying practical methods of site characterization.  Topics include pollution sources and the fate of pollutants in the environment.  Emphasis is placed on technologies for sampling environmental media, handling hazardous materials, pollution prevention and cleanup, and occupational health safety.  Concepts are explored from the perspective of the environmental manager.  Field methods and the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Geographic Information System (GIS), as tools used by environmental scientists, will be integrated into the course.  There are three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.


ENV101 - Environmental Science, GEL101 - Physical Geology, or MET101 - Meteorology; MAT 104 - College Algebra with Trig I or MAT105 - Technical Math I or equivalent


ENG101- English composition or equivalent.


Basic Environmental Technology:  Water Supply, Waste Management, and Pollution Control, Fifth Edition, Nathanson.  Pearson. 

ISBN #0-13-119082-2


Safety glasses are required for all on-campus sections.

 As the result of instructional activities, students will be able to:

  1. Describe and explain the hydrologic cycle and water budgets.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of conversions between SI and U.S. customary units when measuring and sampling environmental media.
  3. Explain the basic concepts of runoff and stream flow and use them to interpret stream hydrographs, including measuring stream flow.
  4. Describe the nature of aquifers in different geologic settings.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of field measurement of aquifer parameters.
  6. Identify the principles of groundwater flow and apply equations, such as Darcy's Law, to calculate groundwater movement in aquifers.
  7. Describe the dynamics of groundwater flow to wells, including the design, implementation, and interpretation of a pump test.
  8. Apply the basic concepts of water chemistry toward understanding the interaction between chemicals and water and subsequent influence on contaminant fate.
  9. Identify the ways in which water quality and groundwater contamination are determined and the methods of groundwater remediation.
  10. Explain the current trends in water resource management and aquifer protection.
  11. Demonstrate basic field methods to collect data for successful site characterization, and to write a project report.
  12. Demonstrate the use of GIS and GPS as an integral tool of environmental and resource management.
  13. Describe the techniques used to prevent pollution and protect environmental quality.
  14. Demonstrate knowledge of sampling and remediation technologies and their application to a variety of settings.
  15. Identify air sampling techniques and explain the principles of air pollution and control.
  16. Describe and explain the principles of water and wastewater treatment
  17. Differentiate between various waste streams and the environmental technologies associated with the storage, treatment, and disposal of non-hazardous, hazardous, and nuclear wastes.
  18. Describe and explain the processes used by government to regulate hazardous materials, hazardous waste, and work place safety.
  19. Demonstrate project management skills through ownership of class projects.


 Demonstrate the ability to accurately collect and record data in field and laboratory settings.

  1. Recognize the importance of prior planning when preparing for field activities.
  2. Organize, interpret, graph, and perform computations upon the data collected during field and laboratory activities.
  3. Write a technical report that demonstrates effective scientific communication.
  4. Use a computer as a tool for data analysis, data interpretation, and scientific communication.
Feel free to contact a member of the Science Department or the Science Department Chair.


