Liberal Arts: Math & Science A.S.

The liberal arts degrees require a student to take a sampling of courses in the various disciplines that make up the overall category of liberal arts: humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and science. Besides sampling courses in all the categories listed above, students earning the Liberal Arts: Math & Science degree will take more courses in mathematics (e.g. algebra, calculus, statistics) and natural sciences (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science). The Math/Science degree is specifically designed to prepare students to transfer into a baccalaureate program in mathematics, natural sciences, or a related discipline. Graduates transfer to numerous four-year colleges and universities throughout the State University of New York (SUNY) system, as well as private institutions, where they enter with junior status and take additional courses in one of these specialized areas to gain a strong base of knowledge. CCC also has specific articulation agreements with several institutions for a number of bachelor's degree programs. By carefully following the sequence of courses listed in the respective articulation agreement, students will be in position to transfer into their junior year at the four-year college or university.

The mission of the Liberal Arts: Math & Science program is to provide math and science majors with a broad-based educational experience that provides a core of general education and that prepares them for transfer into baccalaureate programs at four-year institutions, in the sciences and mathematics.

The Liberal Arts: Math & Science A.S. program will:

  • Prepare Math/Science majors to problem-solve.
  • Prepare Math/Science majors to use appropriate technology.
  • Prepare Math/Science majors to communicate effectively.
  • Prepare Math/Science majors to transfer to a four-year institution in mathematics, science, or a related field.

Discipline Category Descriptions

Minimum Degree Requirements (60 credits)
Effective Fall 2023
English (6 credits)
ENG 101 English Composition
ENG 102 Literature & Composition
Humanities (6 Credits)
--------> The Arts or World Languages Gen. Ed. Course
COM 101 Public Speaking
History (3 Credits)

US History or World History Gen. Ed. Course

Social Science (3 Credits)
--------> Social Science Gen. Ed. Course

College Success (3 Credits)
FCS 101 Foundations for College Success

Info. Literacy (1 Credit)
SCI 110 Foundational Skills in Science


Math (7 Credits)
MAT 161 Elementary Statistics
MAT 224 Calculus I

General Track
Biology Track
Science with lab
(8 Credits)

Science Gen Ed Course BIO 101-Gen. Bio I
Science Gen Ed Course BIO 102-Gen. Bio II
STEM Electives
(12 Credits)
STEM Elective CHE 111-Gen. Chem I
STEM Elective CHE 112-Gen. Chem II
STEM Elective CHE 241-Org. Chem I
Free Electives
(11 Credits)
  Bio Track Elective I*
  Bio Track Elective 2*

 *Biology Track Elective Options: BIO 204, BIO 206, BIO 228, BIO 229, CHE 242, MAT 225, PHY 111, PHY 112, PHY 121, PHY 122

Degree Requirements Worksheets

Students who earn a Liberal Arts: Math & Science A.S. degree are prepared to transfer into a bachelor's degree program in math, science, or a related field.

Graduates of the program have pursued STEM degrees at a number of four-year SUNY and private institutions, including SUNY Plattsburgh, SUNY Potsdam, SUNY ESF, Paul Smith's College, and Clarkson University.  



Moore Bldg., 5th Floor
Room 544M
Phone: 518-562-4348

Dr. Lynn Fowler
Division Coordinator for Science, Technology, and Mathematics
