Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science A.A. with Art Track

The SUNY Seamless Transfer Pathway in Art Studio is an advisement option within the Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science A.A. degree. Students will select courses in the various disciplines that make up the category of liberal arts (humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and science); however, students pursuing the Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science with the Seamless Transfer Pathway in Art Studio will take more art courses. This option will prepare students who are considering a major or minor in fine arts or a career as an art teacher for transfer into a baccalaureate art program.  However, any student with an interest in art can follow the art pathway and graduate with a liberal arts degree from Clinton Community College. 

Discipline Category Descriptions

Minimum Degree Requirements (60 credits)
English (9 credits)
ENG 101 English Composition
ENG 102 Literature & Composition
--------> English elective
Humanities (9 Credits)
ART 101 Introduction to Design
ART 115 Art of the Western World: Ancient to Medieval
ART 116 Art of the Western World: Renaissance to Modern
History or Foreign Language (3 Credits)

American History, Other World Civilizations,
Western Civilization, or Foreign Language Gen. Ed. Course


History or Social Science (12 Credits) 
-------->  Social Science Gen. Ed. Course
--------> History or Social Science electives


Math (6 Credits)
--------> MAT courses above 100
Science (4 Credits) 
--------> Any 4-credit natural science course with lab
Health & P.E. (1 Credit)
--------> HPE elective
Info. Management (1 Credit) 
LIB 101 Library Research Skills
Free Electives (15 Credits) 
ART 103 Introduction to Drawing
ART 108 Introduction to 3-D Design
ART 120 Drawing II

(Choose one course)

ART 104-Introduction to Painting
ART 111-Traditional Photography
ART 113-Digital Photography
ART 114-Introduction to Illustration
ART 117-Digital Painting

--------> Any course that receives college credit

Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science A.A. with Seamless Transfer Pathway in Art Studio Advisement Worksheet

SUNY transfer paths outline the knowledge and skills that are essential for students to complete during their first two years of study for a major in a given discipline. The coursework described above will meet degree requirements at all SUNY campuses offering majors in Art Studio. Students who earn a Liberal Arts: Humanities & Social Science A.A. degree with Seamless Transfer Pathway in Art Studio are well-positioned to finish their degree with an additional two years of full-time study at the SUNY transfer college.


Humanities: Art

Stafford Bldg., 3rd Floor
Room 317T
Phone: 518-562-4347

Ian Burcroff
Assistant Professor


Moore Bldg., 5th Floor
Room 511M
Phone: 518-562-4187

Ian Burcroff
Department Chair
