Discipline Category Descriptions


This category includes:
If indicated by placement testing, basic skills courses are required as prerequisite or corequisite courses. These courses count toward load and financial aid but receive zero college credits toward the graduation requirement.
ENG099, MAT090, MAT098, and RDG095
Discipline Category Name
This category includes:
Any course with the prefix: ACC
Any course with the prefix: BUS
College Success
Computer Science
Any course with the prefix: CSC
Criminal Justice
Any course with the prefix: CRI
Electrical/Electronics Technology
Any course with the prefix: ETE
Any course with the prefix: ENG above 100
Environmental Science & Technology
Any course with the prefix: ENV
Free Elective
Any course that receives college credit.
Note: COM100, MAT100, and MAT100Q count as free elective credit only.
Gen. Ed. Elective
Any approved general education course
Health & P.E.
Any course with the prefix: HPE
Health & P.E. Activity
Any 1-credit course with the prefix: HPE (except HPE100)
Health Services Management
Any course with the prefix: HSM
Any course with the prefix: HIS or FRE250
Note: HIS121, HIS122, HIS132 can count as either History or Humanities
Any course with the prefix: ART, ASL, CHI, COM (except COM100), ENG above 102 (except ENG235), ESL, FRE, GER, GWS, HUM, MSM, MUS, PHI, SPA, THE or HIS121, HIS122, HIS132
Note: GWS101, MSM118 can count as either Humanities or Social Science; HIS121, HIS122, HIS132 can count as either Humanities or History
Humanities sub-category: 
Foreign Language/World Languages
Any course with the prefix: ASL, CHI, FRE, GER, SPA
Humanities sub-category:  The Arts
Any course with the prefix: ART, MUS, THE or HUM110, MSM239
Human Services
Any course with the prefix: HUS, SWK
Individual Studies Electives
College-credited courses as per advisement
Industrial/Commercial Electrician
Any course with the prefix: ICE
Info. Literacy
LIB101, SCI110
Info. Management
CSC102, LIB101, SCI110
Math above 100
Any course with the prefix: MAT above 100
Mechanical Technology
Any course with the prefix: MEC
Any course with the prefix: NUR
Science with a lab
Any course with the prefix: BIO, CHE, GEL, MET, PHY, SCI (except SCI110) or ENV101, ENV210
Social Science
Any course with the prefix: ANT, ECO, GWS, PSC, PSY, SOC or CRI102, CRI103, CRI206, MSM118
Note: GWS101, MSM118 can count as either Social Science or Humanities
STEM Electives
Any course with the prefix: BIO, CHE, ETE, GEL, MAT above 100, MET, PHY, SCI (EXCEPT SCI110) or CSC121, CSC202, CSC217, CSC222, ENV101, ENV210, ENV220, MEC203, MEC204, MEC205, MEC206, WTT102, WTT201, WTT202
Wind Energy & Turbine Technology
Any course with the prefix: WTT


(For students in degree prior to Fall 2023)
(For new students in degree starting Fall 2023)
 Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name
AH   American History AT The Arts
 AR The Arts  C Communication
 BC  Basic Communication D Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice
FL Foreign Language HU Humanities
H Humanities MQ Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
M Mathematics NR Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning
NS Natural Science SO Social Sciences
OW Other World Civilizations UH US History and Civic Engagement
SS Social Science WH World History and Global Awareness
WC Western Civilizations WL World Languages


ENG 101 or higher
ART, ASL, CHI, COM (except COM100), ENG above 102 (except 235), ESL, FRE, GER, GWS, HIS121, HIS122, HUM, MSM, MUS, PHI, SPA, THE
Mathematics MAT above 100
Natural Sciences BIO, CHE, GEL, MET, PHY, SCI (except SCI110), ENV101, ENV210, ENV200
Social Sciences ANT, CRI102, CRI103, CRI206, ECO, GWS, HIS, MSM118, PSC, PSY, SOC

