SUNY Clinton Dev Notes
Table of Contents
- Home Page
- Basic Section
- Directory Variables
- General Page
- News Section & News Portal
- Student Section & Student Portal
- Faculty Profile
- News Listing
- Alerts
- LDP Gallery & Form
- Snippets
Home Page
Everything on the home page is edited through MultiEdit.
You can have up to eight slides on the home page. You can configure each slide separately. See the configuration options below:
- Show
- This checkbox must be checked to display this slide.
- Image
- This sets the image of the slide. You can use the filechooser to choose a file on the production server, or you can also paste a URL into this field.
- Slides 1-4 have default images set in clintonhomestyle.css via classes ad1-ad4, so even when the
field is blank, they will display images. Slides 5-8 have classes ad5-ad8 on the page, but default images are not set in the css. If you would like to set default images, please edit the stylesheet.
- Message Heading
- This sets the heading for the message box. It will be styled as H3.
- You may leave this field blank.
- Message Content
- This sets the content for the message box. Use the WYSIWYG toolbar to style your content.
- You may leave this field blank.
- When both heading and content are blank, the message box will be hidden.
- Message Box Theme
- This sets the theme of the message box.
Basic Section
Creating a Section
- New Wizard - Click on the New button.
- Basic Section - Follow the prompt and fill out necessary fields.
- You are ready to create new items in this section.
- For editing the index page of a basic section, see the General Page section.
Directory Variables
There are currently four directory variables set at the site level: banner-alt
, banner-image
, left-nav
, and right-nav
. See the support site for more information about directory variables.
This variable controls the section-wide banner image. Set the path to the banner image you would like to use in the section. It will be inherited by children directories, but you can override it by setting a different path in the corresponding directories.
This variable sets the alt text of the banner image. In the case that the banner image cannot be loaded, visitors will see this text. Do not leave this field blank.
This variable controls the path to the section-wide left nav. The section-wide left nav sits above the directory-level nested nav and can be turned on/off in page properties. It will be inherited by children directories, but you can override it by setting a different path in the children directories.
This variable controls the path to the section-wide right nav. The section-wide right nav sits above the editable region in the right column and can be turned on/off in page properties. It will be inherited by children directories, but you can override it by setting a different path in the children directories.
General Page
This page layout is used in all interior pages and the general section index page. The layout can be configured using page properties. See the configuration options below:
- Page Layout
- Show Section-Wide Banner
- Check this box to display the section-wide banner.
- The banner path is set using a directory variable.
- Show Section-Wide Banner Text
- Check this box to display the section-wide banner text.
- The banner text is set using the
file in the current section.
- Show Breadcrumb
- You can uncheck this box to hide the breadcrumb on the page.
- Show Heading
- This is for the heading that is displayed below the breadcrumb.
- You can uncheck this box to hide the heading on the page.
- Columns
- You have three options here: 1, 2, or 3 columns.
- By default, the full-width interior page creation wizard sets this value to 1.
- By default, the no-banner interior page creation wizard sets this value to 3.
- The two-column layout will hide the right column and ignore right column display configurations.
- Show Section-Wide Banner
- Left Column
- Section-Wide Nav
- Check this box to display the section-wide nav above the autonav.
- The section-wide nav path is set using a directory variable.
- Currently, the default section-wide nav lives in
- Section-Wide Nav
- Right Column
- Video-Image Region
- Check this box to display a region for displaying a video or an image.
- Right-Column Navigation
- Check this box to display the section-wide right column nav.
- The path to the nav is set using a directory variable.
- Video or Image URL
- This field takes a youtube video or an image file as the argument. Currently, it only supports youtube videos.
- Video or Image Title
- Give your video/image a title. In the case that the image fails to load, the page will display this text.
- Video-Image Region
- LDP Gallery
- Flex Slider
- Set the gallery asset to display a flex slider.
- Pretty Photo
- Set the gallery asset to display a pretty photo gallery.
- Flex Slider
News Section & Portal
Creating a Section
When Creating a section for news articles, don't forget to set the RSS Feed for the directory in the access setting. See the support site.
- New Wizard - Click on the New button.
- News Section - Follow the prompt and fill out necessary fields.
- Go into Pages view and modify the directory access setting. Set the RSS feed to a feed of your choice.
- You are ready to create news articles in this section.
Page Properties
- Page Layout
- This has less options than the general page, but see the General Page section to see information on the page layout properties.
- News
- News Source
- This must be a valid RSS feed. Every news listing on the page will be pulled from this source.
- Featured Story Tag
- Specify the tag associated with featured stories. The most recent featured story will be displayed.
- Three Stories Tag
- Specify the tag associated with stories. The three most recent stories will be displayed here. If a featured story is also tagged as a normal story, it will be displayed here unless it is displayed in the featured section.
- General News Tag
- Specify the tag associated with general news items. The most recent X amount (specified below) of news items tagged as general news will be displayed here. Any featured, story, or athletics news items that are also tagged as general news will be displayed here unless they are displayed in their corresponding sections.
- Number of News Items
- Specify the number of news items displayed on the page.
- Athletics News Tag
- Specify the tag assocaited with athletics news items. The three most recent news items tagged as athletics will be displayed.
- News Source
- Events
- Events Source
- This must be a valid RSS feed.
- Events Source
- LDP Gallery
- Flex Slider
- Set the gallery asset to display a flex slider.
- Pretty Photo
- Set the gallery asset to display a pretty photo gallery.
- Flex Slider
Editable Region
- This page has four editable regions in the right column. Edit and style your content using the WYSIWYG toolbar.
- If you are proficient in HTML, you may also use the Source Code tool in the toolbar to insert complex HTML structures.
- To insert social media code, it is recommended to create source code assets and place them in the editable regions.
Student Section & Student Portal
The student portal page is created as the index page when a student section is created.
Creating a Section
- New Wizard - Click on the New button.
- Student Section - Follow the prompt and fill out necessary fields.
- You are ready to create new items in this section.
Page Properties
- Page Layout
- This has less options than the general page, but see the General Page section to see information on the page layout properties.
- News
- News Source
- This must be a valid RSS feed. The news listing on the page will be pulled from this source.
- News Filter Tag
- You can optionally filter news items to show only specific news (e.g.,
tag to only display student news). You may leave this blank to display all news items. - Currently, the number of news items displayed is hardcoded as 8.
- You can optionally filter news items to show only specific news (e.g.,
- More News Link
- Specify a page with more news.
- News Source
- LDP Gallery
- Flex Slider
- Set the gallery asset to display a flex slider.
- Pretty Photo
- Set the gallery asset to display a pretty photo gallery.
- Flex Slider
Editable Region
- This page has two editable regions in the main regions, and four editable regions in the right column. Edit and style your content using the WYSIWYG toolbar.
- If you are proficient in HTML, you may also use the Source Code tool in the toolbar to insert complex HTML structures.
- To insert a slider, create a gallery asset and place the asset on the page. Make sure the LDP Gallery option in Page Properties is set to
Flex Slider
. - To insert social media code, it is recommended to create source code assets and place them in the editable regions.
Faculty Profile
Page Properties
See the General Page section to see information on the page layout properties.
- Image and Image Description
- Pick an image from the production server or paste a link to an external source.
- The image description will be displayed in the case that the image fails to load.
- First Name
- You may prepend a title to the name here (e.g., Dr. Jane)
- Last Name
- Title
- Write the full title of the faculty member. This will be displayed below the name.
- Department
- Write the full name of the department. You can turn it into a link using the field below.
- Department Link
- You can turn the department text into a link by specifying a path here.
- Department Diplomas/Degrees Offered Page
- A link to the diploma/degree information page for the department.
- This link will be displayed as: Degrees offered by the Department Name
- Email
- The faculty member's email address. We noticed that you redirected visitors to a page with a form that sends an email, so we've added the option to use a link here as well.
- Website
- Faculty member's website.
- Degrees
- List all or some of the degrees the faculty member has.
- Courses Taught
- List the courses the faculty member has taught.
- Why CCC?
- Write a paragraph or two about why you like working at CCC.
- Enjoy Teaching
- Write a paragraph or two about why you enjoy teaching.
- Outside the Classroom
- Write a paragraph or two about what you like to do outside the classroom.
- Personal Interests
- Write a paragraph or two about your pesronal interests.
- Advice to Students
- Write a paragraph or two to give advice to the students.
Editable Region
You have two editable regions on this page: the main region and the right-column region.
- Main Region
- Here, you may add any other information you would like to place on the profile page. By giving you access to the full WYSIWYG experience instead of the limited MultiEdit mini-WYSIWYG, you have more freedom to style your content.
- Right Region
- This is a small region in the right column. You may style it using the WYSIWYG toolbar. The right column will expand down based on the length of the content.
News Listing
Page Properties
- See the General Page section to see information on the page layout properties.
- News List
- News Source
- Select an RSS feed to pull news items from.
- Number of Items
- This is the amount of news items that will be displayed per page.
- News Source
Editable Region
There's an editable region in the right column that can be used to place additional content. Use the WYSIWYG toolbar to style it as you wish.
There are two alerts in the system at the moment: global alert and student notice. Follow the guide below for turning alerts on/off.
- Go into
and edit the desired file. - Go into Page Properties, and turn the alert on/off. Save.
- Edit the content of the alert using the WYSIWYG.
- Publish the file, and it should show up on all files (for global alert) or the student home page (for student notice).
LDP Gallery & Form
- Create a gallery asset: see the support site for more information.
- Place it on the page of your choice. See the support site on how to insert assets.
- Set the way you'd like the gallery to be displayed using page properties.
- Create a form asset: see the support site for more information.
- Place it on the page of your choice. See the support site on how to insert assets.
When editing snippets, press
to move the cursor across cells and to add new rows.
The accordion snippet has two columns: the accordion heading and accordion content. Styling the heading is not recommended as all styling will get lost on output. You may freely add styles to the content. You can even add another snippet inside the content area.
Course Table + Modal
This is a snippet for creating the courses table. The courses table is a table of links that open up a modal. The title and content of the modal can be edited using the two right columns. The two left columns are for the link texts.
One- and Two-Column Media List
These are snippets for creating media lists. The one-column list utilizes the full width of the editable region for every media item. The two-column list will fit two media items per row, making each media item half as wide. Follow the instruction in each cell. Create more rows to add more media items to the list.
Faculty List
This snippet is used to create a faculty listing. This listing must be created manually. When an image is not specified in the first column, a default image will be used, so the first column can be blank. The second column may also be left blank if you don't need to add a video to the faculty member. When a youtube link is placed in the column, the thumbnail will become clickable, and a video player will pop-up when the thumbnail is clicked. The last column takes a link to the faculty profile page.